Friday, October 13, 2006

Cycle Challenge Finale

We had the awards ceremony at 12 today at the Fox Hole pub at work, a month after the challenge ended. Surprisingly not many people attended as it was arranged at the last minute. I myself was quite late, as I raced from my pilates class to the ceremony. My team won the ladies section, of course, so we got a t-shirt, energade and a jungle oats bar. Not much of a prize but considering we didnt have to pay a cent to enter, this was a cool gift.

The next challenge is set to be even tougher and only for the serious athletes, it seems. It will be a survivor of the fittest as different tasks have to be completed each day, in one hour. If you don't, you are immediately disqualified. Definitely not for the faint-hearted. So this means that I will probably sit this one out. The marathon and cycling was enough for one year!

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