Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Boy bands

On Saturday morning I had to force myself out of bed, after the awesome Chromium gig, with a sore neck, just cause I so willingly offered to help out at the Christmas party for our staff's kids. I dragged Uli with me, no way I was gonna suffer alone. Ferdi was pissed off with me cause I forced him out of bed too as he has to perform his choffeur duties again. The bugger still refused to wear a suit.

So what does this have to do with boy bands, you ask? Eden - that's who. This party consisted of us handing out parcels in the foyer of the Civic Theatre as kids and parents arrived to watch this year's pantomine of Aladdin, starring boy band Eden. I remember a few years back Inki and I watched them perform at the parking lot in Cresta. Pretty boys, nice to look at, but that's about it. I would not buy their CD. Honestly!

Their lead singer took the role of Aladdin. Other well known actors were Desmond Dube (as Aladdin's mother - hilarious! Practically stole the show!!) and Andre Schwartz as the baddis (he was excellent). I was lucky enough to sit 3 rows from the front so I got a good view of everything, plus got a 10 second stare from one of the Eden boys when our eyes met. Sigh. Vomit. Spew. Yes, like I said before, nice to look at, but would I really want someone that is prettier than me? No. Not a chance. Give me a rough man's man any day.

I have to admit that the show was brilliant and incredibly funny - though some of the comedy went right over the kids' heads, Im sure, as a lot of the chirps were below the belt. But at least they still enjoyed it, including myself. Eden was not bad either, but if this is SA's biggest most successful boy band, then they still have a lot of work to do.

Over the years I have slowly grown out of my boy band phase. Their shelf-life is extremely short-lived. The more boy bands that get churned out of every street corner (haha, Backstreet Boys) the more one realises that you cant just get by on your looks, need some bit of talent as well, dudes. They may be able to fool hormonal teenagers, as they fooled me once, but not anymore!

I'd rather headbang, thank you very much!


Anonymous said...

Eden do suck! hahaha shame poor boys.

CaZ said...

Yeah, shame. I have been arguing for the past hour with my friend at work that they are nothing more than just a bunch of pretty boys but she just doesnt want to listen.

She likes Enrique Iglesias too, so that says a lot! Haha

Anonymous said...

Hey I like Enrique!
Oh and the guys from Eden are Ugly

CaZ said...

True, I have seen better.
But Enrique is a nansy-pansy. Im waiting for him to come out of the closet.

CaZ said...

You know how I love younger men!!! *blush!

But no, not this time, I was under strict orders not to go near any boys still in their nappies. Haha.