Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Somebody kill me please

I don't know what I have done to deserve this, but once again I am under the weather. It seems like no matter how hard I try, I cant escape getting sick. Though something tells me that I have a serious allergy towards work! My nose is dripping non-stop, bleeding too, and my left eye has been watering so much, that it is now swollen. Could be the pollen, but I am not a doctor so I am not making any assumptions here. And I dont want to go to my doctor, I have seen him enough times this year, so I will sit here and suffer in silence.

So dont expect a proper blog today. I couldnt be bothered.
Sniff, snot en trane.


Anonymous said...

Shame poor devils mother. Hey, at least you made an attempt at the blog. Im sur ethat my nagging the whole time eventually made you give in!? "YES"!!!!
Another point to Greg!!

CaZ said...

You nagged??
But I will give you a booby prize point, just cause you replied.

Rob, I will read your blog as soon as I have a chance. Lol.

CaZ said...

No no no, I was referring to Greg's comment there. SORRY!!!

The Real Marbro said...

tisk tisk.Leave her alone. the poison only works if she is sleepy