Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Im c-c-c-c-c-c-o-llddddd here...

Brrrrrrr. Some moron keeps on fiddling with the thermostat here in the office. I have a strong suspicion that its the old menopausal (is that a word?) granny that gets regular hot flushes. Sorry for her, but Im changing the temperature to 24 degrees again whether she likes it or not. Why must the rest of us shiver, get goose bumps and ultimately sick because of her. Its hot outside, feels like winter in here. Im not bringing a jacket to work again during summer. I refuse, damnit.

Ok, that was my bit of venting today. Did a lot more elsewhere, but its not worth commenting here. Lets just say that a lot of people are getting their panties in knot over petty crap. Get over it, I say. Some of you may know who I am talking about...

Anyway, still got some last minute things to prepare for the big party on Saturday. I had a few little surprises popping up on me today (so near the event) that I almost had a nervous breakdown. Events planning was never a strength of mine. But it looks like everything is almost sorted. For now.

I gotta breathe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get it, Got it, Good