Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bon Voyage Weasel!!!!

I never thought it would pain me to say this, but I am so sad that our Weasel is leaving us for the yankees tomorrow night. Sniff, snot en trane. He is going to the yahoo land (San Jose, near San Francisco) for five months to work, since the yanks dont have decent accountants there. Brace yourselves, people!!! Weasel is coming, armed with clutch pencil and calculator!! America will never be the same again!

Weasel and I have had our huge share of fights (he is the responsible one, I am not) but all the same, I love him to bits and Im sad that he wont be around till May. Whose car am I gonna throw up in now? Who is going to scream at me when I am making an arse of myself and who will tell me off for buying so many DVDs??? Ferdi? Nah, he is just like me, though he has a little bit of Weasel in him too.

I remember quite clearly when the bugger was a baby, and I suddenly had to share the limelight with him. Of course, I hated it. I hated him! How dare he come and take my mommy's attention away from me? Huh? One day, while I was napping on my parents' bed and Weasel was next to me in his cot, I decided to reach for him. I miscalculated my strength, fell on top of him and down we both went, cot and all. I was hoping this would lead to his demise, but no, all he did was cry like a baby. Doh.

He was and still is, mommy's boy. I always tease mommy that Weasel is her favourite child. She gets angry, but I think it's true. He dotes on her, and when Ferdi and I do something wrong, he runs to her and tells on us. Haha. Ok, he doesn't do much of that anymore, but he still bitches and moans like a bored housewife. Sigh, I am gonna miss the bugger.

We are having his farewell at my house tonight. We hope to get him drunk, and keep him drunk, till he boards the plane tomorrow night. Flying sober is not fun these days.

He just better bring us presents. I gave him my wishlist already. I want Wentworth Miller.


Anonymous said...

*sniff* I miss him already!

Please ask Weasel to bring me back Hugh, if that's not possible, I'll settle for Johnny Depp.


(still can't include name)

CaZ said...

If he brings back Johnny, then you will have to share him with me *wink*

But doesnt he live in Paris?

Anonymous said...

I want lots and lots of stuff, can specify anything


Anonymous said...

I don't mind sharing Johnny with you, at all! *wink*

I'm sure Johnny is in the States at the moment, they're doing more scenes for Pirates 3 apparently!
