Monday, July 24, 2006

The Book of Satan, Part Two

I have been reading a bit more of the Book of Satan this weekend, and I have to agree with what Jeremy commented on my first discussion of this book, that this “Church” is extremely arrogant and self-righteous (aren’t a lot of religions like that though!).

The Book of Satan opens criticism to the biblical verse “Love one another”, by asking, “why should we love another and not hate our enemies”. I can imagine that being a very difficult thing to do. How can you possibly love the criminal that killed a loved one, raped you, stole from you, did you harm? Why should we love them? It is so much easier to despise them, and rightly so, I’d think!

It also states that if someone causes you any harm, do not “turn the other cheek” as the Bible states, rather, if he smites you on one cheek, smash him on the other! Sure, that would seem the most logical thing to do, but that does not always bring the desired effect. You might feel some temporary surge of satisfaction, but the emotional pain will still be there in the end. Revenge is not always that sweet.

One thing that I do agree with 100% in the Satanic verses is that we should not deprive ourselves of the joys that life has to offer. What is the purpose of abstinence? I don’t understand people that supposedly choose to lead a “pure” life of celibacy, no drinking, no entertainment, with a few earthly possessions, etc. Why lead such boring lives? We were put here on earth to make the most of our lives, to enjoy it, here and NOW! After all, we only get one chance! Many say that they want to live ordinary lives to prepare themselves for heaven, but what if there is no heaven? I know I will be attacked for making such a statement, that I should have more faith and believe that there IS a heaven, and a hell, but I tend to be a bit more on the skeptical and realistic side. There is always that slight possibility that there is no heaven, whatever the odds.

So my belief is, that as long as I live a good decent life, enjoy all its fruits and riches as much as possible, without hurting anyone in the process, I should be ok, no matter what is on the other side of death. What is wrong with that?

The most simplified description of Satanic belief is “Indulgence instead of Abstinence”. Ponder on that for a while. It doesn’t sound too bad to me.


The Real Marbro said...

What if there is a heaven?We will only know when we die.Im willing to risk also living what i feel is a good life.Im enjoying myself and only attack those that need attacking.If you arent provoked...then leave them alone.

Why should the way we cut our hair be the reason for us not getting eternal happiness?(btw thats actually in the bible)

CaZ said...

I stopped paying attention to what's in the Bible a long time ago (waiting for lightning to strike me any minute now).

And if there is a heaven, then good. Lets hope so. But Im willing to risk it too. I am not such a bad person in any case, am I?