Sunday, May 07, 2006

Surviving the weekend madness

Another blue Monday. I am surprised to be still alive right now after the weekend I have just had. Lately they seem to be getting worse and worse – too much partying, not enough rest. Not that I am really complaining because eventually my late nights will come to an end. No more boozing, getting up to mischief till the early hours of the morning, chatting up the boys, giggling with my chick posse. Yeah, eventually these nights will be replaced by cooking for the family, getting the kids into bed and watching TV. Yikes, I just got chills running down my spine. I can’t imagine that kind of life right now. Don’t get me wrong, I do want to get married, have kids, and live in a white picket fence house, blah blah blah. But only in the far distant future. I still have lots of parties to go to, and damn, I am enjoying them.

I must say that these past few weeks have flown by with all the activities that have gone down. Take this past weekend. Friday night I went out with a big group of friends to a local pub. We braved the cold and sat outside, till 2 am. The alcohol wasn’t doing its proper job of keeping us warm, not matter how much of it we drank. Luckily I came prepared with a thick jacket and scarf, which was quickly repossessed by the guy sitting next to me. He was still frozen, and so was I, so we tried to keep each other warm, to no avail. So, eventually after we all lost feeling in our toes and fingers, we finally decided to call it a night and go home. I was praying hard that no one would suggest moving on to another place because I did not want to be the one to admit that I was tired. Well, no one said anything. It seemed everyone was feeling like I was – totally smashed and buggered.

So I thought, ok, tomorrow is Saturday, I can sleep late and try to recover in time for the next party. Not a chance in hell. First of all my feet were frozen to the core so I couldn’t fall asleep. By the time the sun came up, there was so much activity going on in the house I decided to stuff it and get up. Maybe I could sneak in a nap after lunch. Not a chance in hell, again. I pretty much did everything in slow motion till I had to get ready for the highlight of our Saturday evening: the guys at our church were preparing a special dinner for everyone. I have to say, there is nothing better than seeing men hard at work, in the kitchen. The women didn’t have to do a thing. And the men were very happy to serve us. I could do with a man like that, for sure, since I am not very domesticated myself!

After the dinner we girls were ready for another party. Not the men, since they had worked their butts off the whole night. But we were adamant and went to the boys’ place for some wine and chit-chat. We called eventually called it quits again. But I didn’t go home. Instead I slept over at a house my friend, Ulrike (the pastor’s daughter) was housesitting this weekend. The worst was yet to come. Her sister Ingrid also came with – and there was only one bed. It was a big bed but 3 girls sharing a bed can become quite tricky (I was just thinking, that could be every guy’s ultimate dream – 3 girls in a bed, lol). So, I didn’t sleep much.

We had to get up early in the morning as we had to go to church. Normally I go to the late English Service at our Lutheran Church but this time I decided to go to the early German Service so I could then go home and get some sleep. We met up with the guys at the church and they looked like death, just like us. I fell asleep several times, especially during the Sermon since I couldn’t understand much of what the pastor was saying. As soon as I got home I climbed into bed but before I could get any shut-eye, lunch was ready and had to get up. I forced the food down and went back to my room. But again, just before I could get any sleep, Greg and Martin, my dear poopypant friends, came over for a visit. We went to the flea market and as usual got tickled, poked and licked. Never mind that I was feeling kak and sensitive.

So, when did I get to eventually go to sleep? In the evening, of course. Now I am cranky as hell and heaven help the next person that says “good morning” to me next. If weekends are going to be much like this one from now on,when am I supposed to get my beauty sleep now? ZZzzzzzzzzzz
Um, no, I could get fired for sleeping on the job. Oh, dear me…


The Real Marbro said...

im no poopypants!

oh and hope you enjoyed it

CaZ said...

Dear Poopypants

Yes, I did enjoy it and would do it all over again, even if it means no more beauty sleep.