Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Evil Cazzy Returns

I thought the days of jolling well into the next morning were practically over for me, but it looks like I am returning to that old life like never before. And it is quickly catching up with me, I need to get some sleep! Every weekend I swear to myself that I will have a quiet evening just like the ones I have been used to lately, but that doesn’t seem to happen anymore! Temptation gets the better of me. Especially now that I have been single for the past 2 months or so, I feel the need to get out and have some fun. And I do have fun, it’s only the next day that I suffer!!

This past weekend I must have slept a total of five hours, if not less. And who knows how much I drank. I stopped counting after the first drink! Now this week I was hoping to catch up on some sleep but I have just been told that there is another party happening tonight at our local pub. Part of me really wants to say no, I am too tired. But I just can’t do it, I can’t say no. I am the type that hates to miss out on anything. And I am not going to miss this tonight, not even for Prison Break’s Wentworth Miller (oh, what a hottie!).

So expect me to have a hangover, again, tomorrow. This is a short one today cause I am leaving now to partyyyyyyy!

(And never mind that I am still sick with the flu. Stay home in bed? Me? I’d rather sleep when I am dead, like that Bon Jovi song)

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