Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What a Week!

I tried to make an attempt to update my blog several times this week but I just couldn’t. As my doctor warned, things got a tad worse for me 5 days after the op. The pain in my throat surmounted to such unbearable heights that I found it hard to eat and sleep. The whole area where my tonsils used to be feels so raw that it stings when I swallow anything, even my own saliva. To make things worse, I ran out of painkillers so my doctor faxed me a new script. I raced to the chemist like a desperate druggie immediately. The pain is still there but at least I can now eat a bit.

To continue my story from last week, after my injection I managed to get some sleep. The anesthesia made me really weak and tired but I was grateful to get some shut eye. During the afternoon my parents came to visit but in my drugged state, I barely remembered the visit. I could hardly talk but I didn’t feel as bad as I expected. My mom handed me my cellphone and so I replied to several sms’s that I had received. Some of them didn’t make any sense but I cannot be help responsible for what I said, ha ha.

The doctor came to check on me later and declared that I was looking good. He gave me two choices: I could go home immediately or spend the night at the hospital. I couldn’t really make up my mind so he made my decision a hell of a lot easier – if I stayed, I could get another injection in the evening. So hell yeah! I wanted an injection so I decided to spend the night there.

Dinner time I managed to eat all my jelly and custard this time, without spitting any of it out. I even had a go at the ice-cream but it was too cold to finish it all. I then attempted to watch some kak movie on the mnet movie magic channel while I eagerly awaited my next injection. To my disappointment, I could not watch Prison Break (oh, Wentworth, sigh) as the hospital did not have the mnet channel – very strange, if you ask me.

Eventually the nurse plus injection arrived and I was soon out like a light. I was woken some time in the evening by a new patient being admitted across from me. She was quite noisy, talking and all but soon I went back to sleep. Several times during the night the pain in the ass nurses came to take my temperature plus blood pressure so I didn’t get all the sleep I craved.

5am we were rudely awakened so that was the end of my sleep. I was forced to go to the bathroom while the nurses made my bed. I then ordered my breakfast and waited impatiently for my next dose of drugs. My doctor came to do his rounds early that morning and said I was fine to go home, so I phoned my dad to come pick me up. Eventually my breakfast arrived. I had asked for scrambled eggs so they brought me a plate full of it – there must have been 10 eggs there. Only managed to eat less than a third of it. While I waited for my dad I got a visit from a friend from work, Madelein. So we had a bit of a chat while I waited. She was surprised that I could talk, even though I was struggling a bit.

When dad arrived, she left and so we went home. The first few days at home were alright, but like I said, eventually things took a turn for the worse. Maybe it had a lot to do with the fact that I went out on the weekend when I shouldn’t have (I just couldn’t stay cooped up indoors any longer) or maybe it was just normal, like my doc said. I just can’t wait till I am 100% better and things return to normal.

1 comment:

The Real Marbro said...

so youre blogs going to be updated more often?


oh welcome back,sort of