Wednesday, December 06, 2006

On a lighter note...

Sometime last week, a bunch of us went to see that anti-semitic, misogynist, racist, homophobic, barely-toilet trained, vulgar, rude, disgusting, um, where was I? Oh, yes, we went to see that man that likes to "pick up prostitute" and "watch ladies while they make toilet" as a hobby, otherwise known as Borat Sagdiyev. Phew, what an introduction!!

I caught a few glimpses of the nutcase with a big moustache on the Ali G Show (who can ever erase that infamous "g-string" from their minds) but he failed to make me laugh, until I saw the movie. Silly, and disgusting, as it was, I laughed from beginning to end, something that most films have failed to achieve.

So what if most of it literally involved toilet humour? And that hotel room scene!! Aaah!! I think, in my mind, what made it so successful was how Sacha Baron Cohen unwittingly managed to make fun of the Americans. That country is so dense that I think they have yet to realise that they are being ripped off here in a big way - especially since this film has been such a huge hit in America. What dumbasses. Why should the Kazakhstani people feel offended? Their country has been put on the map!! There is nothing better than free publicity.

I take off my hat to Mr Cohen. He's got balls.

Iz nice!!


The Real Marbro said...

Borat! told you he rocked, I mean come on, have i ever been wrong?

sexy time now?

CaZ said...

I never listen to you.


Anonymous said...

Best Movie I have seen in a long time