Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Armageddon Fest

Yet another gig at Tempos last weekend, and what a busy weekend it was! Having had a long week, I was hesitant to do anything strenuous on Friday night. So, even after Monkey's attempts at getting me to go out and drink cocktails with him, I managed to keep him indoors that night as I dreaded the busy Saturday that awaited us.

I woke up at the crack of dawn, something that I really really loathe to do on a weekend, so that I could make it in time for the work day at church. Its a week to go till our annual Spring Festival, so preparations are fully under way, with me directing the flow once again. Its quite strenuous, I have to admit, and Im seriously considering handing over the baton to someone else next year, though there arent too many willing candidates out there.

So monkey dropped me off while he went to get me a brand spanking new car radio and fitted it to my trusty old Fritz (aka my car). After much dawdling, I got everyone inside the church hall and chaired a meeting to finalise everyone's requirements for next week. It went rather smoothly, so I was quite satisfied. We finished earlier than expected so I had to wait till Monkey finished fitting my car radio. Soon he was back, with music blasting from the car's speakers. Yay!!! I dont have to listen to crappy old 94.7 ANYMORE!

I was in desperate need of sustenance so I was rushed to McDonalds for a much needed McFeast Deluxe, SUPER SIZE. Yes, I was starving. I hadnt eaten anything that day. Only I was made to wait forever for my meal. My mood worsened and by the time I sat down to eat chomp down my food, I was quite cranky. I finished in record time, but felt very very ill afterwards.

We said goodbye to Ferdi, Weasel and Matt and went to the bike shop to get me a new bike jacket (yes, I have been splurging out lately). They had a sale on, and immediately one of the sales guys fitted me out with an awesome, ultra-cool black, silver and white leather jacket. I looked like a real biker chick. Monkey approved and so I bought the jacket. Now I was all kitted out for a serious bike ride (I bought a stunning gold dragon helmet the week before).

We then rushed home for a quick half hour nap before going to Tempos. Just as I was nodding off my alarm went off so no sleep for me. It was my turn to drive Fritz so I nervously drove to Tempos, without any help from Monkey (he even refused to be my eyes when I told him I couldnt see too well with my glasses. Hmmph) but he said it was for my own good and in retrospect, I agree with him - lets hope he doesnt read this! Hahahaha.

I thought we were going to be late, since I took forever to park the car properly, all on my own, but as we went inside, Fragmented Children was just about done with their sound check so all was good. I waved to the guys, got a drink and settled my shaky ass on a table to watch one of my fave bands.

Torment was up next and even though it was a crappy time slot (16:00, hardly any peeps) we still rocked out. Eugene, the bassist was not able to make it, so Monkey, Itai and Wez each took turns at the bass. By now they are getting the hang of it, so it didnt sound too bad.

We hung out at the bar for almost the rest of the day/night, except when we watched Only Forever. I have been wanting to see this band since the beginning of the year and I finally got the chance to listen to them. What an awesome band! And I get to see them once more this Friday at Fragmented Children's EP Launch (of course, Torment will also be playing heheh). Cant wait!

I also watched the Dead Will Tell from a distance. Last band for the evening, these boys know how to rock on stage, ultra tight shorts and all (puts me to shame. Hell, they put any girl to shame! lol). Had I been a bit more alive and enthusiastic, I would have been right in front, headbanging my neck off.

It was a long day, and on our way home, Monkey and I stopped at Steers for some food. Its a bad habit, eating so late, but damn we were starving. Either we have to eat during regular times, or not stay out till so late. Yeah. Right.

Sunday was just as worse. I was meant to get up early to go to church, but I didnt have the strength. So eventually we surfaced and took Fritz home so we could retrieve Susan (aka Monkey's bike) from my house. Again, I drove, and I was proud that I didnt stall once, my driving is really improving! So once at my house, we changed into our bike gear (me all spanking new hee hee) and raced to the Hillfox flea market before we went on a "brunch" run lol.

The wind was quite strong. No scratch that. The wind was f*cking strong, almost blew us both away, but we still managed to land all the way in Magalies for a nice, quiet lunch. I really enjoyed that. But by the time we got home, we were both beat and all we could do was pass out for a looooong nap. Before we knew it, the weekend was over :(

I wish I could say that this coming weekend will be a bit more relaxed and uneventful, but no such luck! FC Launch AND Spring Festival. Eeeeek! Im gonna need to get away soon!


Anonymous said...

Gosh, I'm tired for you, just having read this!! heh heh!

I need to see pics of you with your helmet and leather jacket, it sounds cool!


Anonymous said...

Cool stuff to hear your driving.